How to Offer Merchandise and Personalized Interactions on Passes
Uploading a New Merchandise Item:
Go to Shop: Navigate to the Shop section on your creator profile dashboard.
Add Product: Click on "Add Product" and select the type of item you want to add.
Enter Product Details:
Provide a name and description for your product.
Set the price and any applicable discounts.
Upload images of the product.
Publish: Once all details are filled in, click "Publish" to make the item available for purchase.

Selling Shoutouts/Cameo-Style Interactions:
Create a Service Listing: In the Shop section, create a new product listing for shoutouts or personalized videos.
Detail the Offering:
Clearly describe what the fan will receive (e.g., a personalized video message).
Set a price for the service.
Prom the Service: Use mass messages or posts to inform your fans about this offering.
Fulfill Orders: Once a fan purchases, deliver the personalized message as promised.
These steps should help you effectively manage merchandise and personalized interactions.